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Maison Baylaucq

On 18 November 2013, the National Museum and Estate of the Château de Pau opened to the public a house with spaces devoted to heritage and landscape

House of the wood guards under the Ancien Régime, the Henri IV bath house in the middle of the 19th century, a bourgeois family residence through to the beginning of the 21st century, this building, restored in 2013, is now home to the UDAP 64, the CAOA 64, educational activities and events as well as temporary exhibitions.

From Maison au Roy to Maison Baylaucq

There was doubtless an old building on the site presently occupied by the Maison Baylaucq, but it was only around 1740 that it was attested to on a plan attributed to Louis-François Pollart, ordinary engineer of bridges and roads. It was then called “Maison au Roy” where the wood guards and individuals resided. This guards house was sold during the French Revolution as a national property, together with a large part of the royal estate. It was then passed on to several owners and became a “Maison de bains Henri IV” at the end of the 1830s. These installations were only to be dismantled in 1927. Meanwhile, the house was acquired by the Hourticq-Baylaucq family who kept it until 1999, the year it was purchased by the State.